
11, Nov 2021


感受「香港製造」 港產電影音樂推進劇情發展


有些電影音樂總是跟劇情密不可分,每當音樂奏起,大家腦海裏或會浮現出相關電影的畫面、曾經和您一起看電影的那個他等等…說到經典港產電影音樂,您們又會想起哪些歌曲?「無間道」、「甘心替代你」、「相愛很難」還是「喜劇之王」? Cantabile 將於二零二一年十一月八日星期一晚上八時正假 香港大會堂 - 音樂廳舉行音樂會《粵唱粵強 2021》,把熟悉的音樂重新編排,以管弦樂配上合唱團,希望為經典注入新元素,讓我們從不一樣的角度感受這些陪伴我們成長的旋律。

* 音樂會將以廣東話進行
票價: $380 / $280 / $180

*十月十七日前購買正價門票可享7折早鳥優惠 ($180 門票除外)
團體購買優惠($180 門票除外) :
- 同時購買正價門票5-9張可獲9折優惠; 10-14張可獲8折優惠; 15張或以上可獲7折優惠


Hong Kong is a small city geographically, but there are popular and prominent movies found in the history that marked incredible moments. During the 80s and 90s, the creation of Hong Kong films was the heyday of the local film industry, getting even the attention of the Western world. Now when we look back, the movies with themes surrounding gangsters, gambling, criminal etc., are still never out of style. No wonder some would say "where there are Chinese, there are Hong Kong movies", hailing this small city as "The Oriental Hollywood".

Movie music is often inseparable from the movie scenes. When the music is on, it reminds us of the related movies, the person who watched the movies with us...Speaking of Hong Kong movie music - is there any song that just came up in your mind? On Monday, November 8, 2021, Cantabile will hold the concert Canton-Mania 2021 at the Hong Kong City Hall-Concert Hall at 8pm. Music is re-arranged and will be performed with a symphony orchestra together with choir, hoping to inject new elements into the classics. Please come and enjoy these classic melodies with us!

* Concert will be conducted in Cantonese

Tickets are now available at URBTIX
Pricing: $380 / $280 / $180

*Enjoy 30% early-bird discount on or before 17 Oct 2021 (except for $180 tickets)
50% off for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities & the minder (except for $380 tickets)
Group booking discount (except for $180 tickets):
- 10% discount for every purchase of 5-9 standard tickets
- 20% discount for 10-14 standard tickets
- 30% discount for 15 or more standard tickets
^The offers above cannot be used simultaneously